Tim Leclabart New Space

July 12 2023

11 rue Béranger - Paris 03

Visit only on registration on these links : 


Opening - Thursday October 5th from 5pm to 9 pm : 



Exhibition 6.10 - 14.10.2023 / Monday to Saturday - 2pm to 7pm




Mouvements Modernes presents the first solo show of French designer Tim Leclabart in Paris from the 06th to the 14th of October.


With a transversal approach to Art, Design, Architecture, and Decorative Arts, Tim ventures into creating furniture pieces that oscillate between sculpture and art. His initial furniture pieces pay homage to Brazilian modernist architecture and French decorative arts, which he has integrated perfectly.

Started in 2022 with the release of the Constellation table, October 2023 will be the occasion to unveil the New Space collection.


Invited by the Wise Women association, Sophie Mainier Jullerot will inhabit the space that has housed the newspaper Libération for many years, a vessel of all possibilities where she will invite people to share the reflections of Tim Leclabart, who through his furniture makes the intangible, the infinite, Space tangible.


"The Space Age, born in the 1960s with the beginning of space exploration, was reflected in design and architecture through round and organic forms. Accompanied by geometric patterns and vibrant colors, this style established itself in our interiors as an embodiment, a vision of the future: the world of tomorrow.

This ambition materialized thanks to the arrival of new materials (plastic, aluminum) and new manufacturing methods (thermoforming), enabling designers to innovate and industrialize modular and/or technological concepts, creating true iconic objects, such as the Panton Chair or Vico Magistretti's Atollo lamp.


A new era, new paradigms: while we witness a resurgence in space exploration with the grand ambitions of Elon Musk and a soft power rivalry between the US and China, on Earth, the trend leans towards sobriety and changes in consumption and production patterns. Yet, space is a place where we can still allow ourselves to dream, a utopia with an untarnished mystique: the images from the James Webb Telescope are rare discoveries that momentarily silence the grim news of our planet.


How should we interpret this new vision? Is this movement, called New Space, a continuation of the Space Age or a new revolution?


This collection of objects brings a new aesthetic of the infinite space with minimal evocation: a simplification through the choice of materials and geometric forms, and a return to artisanal manufacturing methods. It is a minimal evocation of technological infinity, a mapping of the cosmos. The exclusive use of natural resources in this collection allows for making this infinity tangible. The lava stone symbolizes the power of the world, which, once enameled, adds depth and texture to the surface (inserts of the desk, Constellation), but also serves as a backdrop for the stars (Constellation chair). The wood and washi paper of the Squaring Space luminaires structure the void and bring the starlight from the depths of the galaxy. The worked blue sodalite waste in the Earth artwork evokes our planet, allo- wing it to be deconstructed or reconstructed like a child would.


In my approach to designing an object, I always start with a cube or a sphere that I carve, cut, and reduce like a sculptor. In this collection, these geometric forms are ever-present, highlighting both the infinity of space and my inner creative process.
That's why in this collection, the circle and the square constantly oppose and dialogue with each other. These seemingly simple forms are mystical: in Chinese Taoism and ancient India, the circle represents the sky, perfection, the universe, while the square symbolizes the earthly, human, and material world. They echo the immensity and mysteries of space. When combined with minimally transformed natural materials, they create a paradoxical effect: giving substance to space, complex and unattainable, a uni- verse of cutting-edge technology, with nothing more than wood, stone, and paper. »


Tim Leclabart, July 2023
