Céramiques Contemporaines

The Peninsula Paris - 119, avenue Kléber - 75006 Paris
Jun 10, 2017 - Jul 30, 2017

Mouvements Modernes is pleased to invite you to its showroom, at the Palace The Peninsula Paris, from the 10th of June, in order to present a selection of contemporary ceramics made by artists it represents.
In this intimate setting, artworks by artists as Matthew Chambers, Sara Flynn, Turi Heisselberg, Cheryl Ann Thomas or Andrea Walsh, highlight the richness of materials and techniques, in the service of art objects.
Sensual, organic, delicate and precious, the ceramic or stoneware creations resonate with the gallery’s will to defend the artists. They transform the material in their works and allow to consider it from a different and uncommon point of view.
The gallery is permanently in search of new artists and presents here a new selection of artworks. Inside this delicate decor made of mirors and mouldings, the sculptures reveal their true selves and engage in dialogue with each other.